What is stainer?

The strainer is used as a filter for impurities both in the form of solid, liquid or gas. This filter is used in pipelines to filter out impurities in the flow so that the flow to be processed or the process results are of better quality.

Function of stainer:

In steam and condensate systems, factory damage is often caused by impurities in the form of solid, liquid or gas in the pipeline

Strainers are equipment that captures these solids in liquids or gases and protects equipment from harmful effects, thereby reducing downtime and maintenance. The strainer must be installed upstream in each Steam traps, flow gauge and control valve.

Types of strainers:

Strainers can be grouped into two main types according to their shape and body composition: Y-type and Horizontal strainer.

Y – Strainer:

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For steam, Y-type strainers are a common standard and are widely used everywhere. Y-type strainers in horizontal steam or gas lines that are installed horizontally.

This method prevents water from accumulating in pockets, helps prevent water droplets that can cause erosion and affects the heat transfer process. The shape of the pocket must point down perpendicular.

Horizontal strainer:

Description: Image result for horizontal strainer

Strainer can also be mounted horizontally, which is not always possible and the strainer can be mounted on a vertical pipeline if the flow drops, where the dirt will naturally go to the pocket.

The installation does not allow for rising flow, where the strainer must be installed with the opening of the pocket going down and the dirt down in the pipe.

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